I ran away
because I got weary of not seeing horizons.
Everything lasts for a moment.
We spent all day on the beach
building a castle that wouldn’t last
knowing that by the time darkness fell, it would be gone
our beautiful work taken from us,
our joy, and pride, and pleasure,
But we gathered sand and built it anyway.
Pink sunrises.
There’s this moment in the morning
where everything comes easily,
pink light bounces off the mountains and the ocean,
coffee recognizes my tongue,
and you rest in my thoughts,
or my thoughts rest on you,
risks become simple in those moments, almost natural,
and the world feels like a place
that has a place for everything.
The coast.
Hairs of water splash
like those on the back of my neck
sand scratching across skin
beneath ember orange skies
where waves crash
holding the promise
that movement
could happen
in me, with us
while everything else remains
Found at sea.
I tried to hide it
because I was afraid of falling
from that house of light
but my smile kept rising
and every sun told me
that this would be something
I could hold onto.
I can take care of your soul
tell me how your body
likes to be loved.
The day I knew.
It lit me up,
the way
the sun
exposed the sky, then the clouds gathered,
and I stood
side by side
with them
showing windows
of light.